If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
I wonder if I have it in me to be still and steady.

It's funny because most people would consider me to be the picture of still and steady, but on the inside, I am often wild-eyed and jumpy.  With the snap of a twig, I am running.  I wasn't always like that.  I used to be like a docile old plow horse, willing to bear the weight of the collar and peacefully shouldering whatever demands were placed before me.  Until I found the courage to break out of the barn.  Every soul reaches a point where subordination becomes unbearable.

Why must horses be broken?  Why do we feel the need to bend the wild will to domesticity?  What drives us to submit to a master or to demand dominion over another?

Does a balance exist between the mustang me and the draft horse me?  Does it exist in you?  I would like to find a barn that offers shelter and security without dark confinement.  I've had a glimpse or two of that but the reality has been as elusive as a storm, rumbling in and passing by faster than I could keep up.  No matter how fast I gallop, the thunder clouds are faster.  Out of breath, I stop and stand and watch them roll away.

They are free and I am wishful.


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