This is my favorite word of the day.  At first I thought I made it up, when trying to think of a way to describe my morning at work.  It was fun to say over and over and over in my head.  Ridiculum, ridiculum, ridiculum.  Maybe that's why things were all wiggy to begin with.  I conjured the ridiculous by saying it's name three times like Beetlejuice.  Or perhaps it was the Hogwarts effect - swish and flick - and poof.

Ridiculum - the study, observation and practice of the ridiculous, like "curriculum", except not nearly so stuffy.

So I was pretty bummed to learn that my nifty new word wasn't really mine at all.  It's Latin, of all things, so those blasted ancient Romans probably came up with it.

One thing I'm sure of, however, is there is no way they had as much fun saying it (and living it) as I did.

Carpe Something,


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