I love this photo.  Not easy to recognize...a floating germinating coconut.  Isn't that cool?  The makings of a brand new tree on a free ocean cruise looking for a sweet new spot to call home.  Magnificent.

Now that poor old coconut was probably pretty comfy in its strong, sturdy shell.  She likely felt impenetrable, like nothing could touch her.  And nothing on the outside could.  Imagine her surprise when something inside her became restless and pushy.  First little nudges, then insistent shoves, until the major meltdown...a crack that changed her world.  She didn't know she was about to embark on phase two of her destiny.  She only knew that she felt broken and not at all like her old self.

Eventually she began to notice that she was feeling more like a tree than a nut.  She could see more, experience more, spread out more, and feel those warm salty breezes as they tickled her new fronds.  Maybe being not at all like her old self wasn't such a bad thing.  Maybe, now that the uncomfortable, scary cracking part was over, she could enjoy her new lovely swaying part more fully.  Maybe a joy ride on the happily swelling sea was just what she always needed but never knew she was missing.

I think we've all been coconuts for the last few years.  For me, this year has been the most uncomfortable one of the bunch.  But now, I have so much hope, so much enthusiasm for this leg of the journey.  I am looking more forward to 2011 than any year in recent memory.

In this lovely space of days between Christmas and New Years Day, reflect on the hard shell that you thought was the full extent of who you were...and consider the promise of the tree within, just looking for a space, a warm ray of sun, and a friendly ocean to sail away upon.

Bon voyage,

KL Pinson
1/9/2011 01:12:16 pm

I, myself, am a pineapple. But we all knew that already, right? ;-)

BTW...you still out there?

2/15/2011 07:00:20 am

Where are you???


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