Did you ever feel like some sort of political dissident at work?  Like when you encourage a coworker to go home when she's sick or perhaps leave her desk for lunch or...gasp...call it a day at 5:00?

What's happening to us?

If you have a few moments, check out http://www.theenergyproject.com/events  There is a free webinar next week that may be of interest.  I first wandered on to this site when I saw a blurb somewhere about "taking back your lunch".  Woo-hoo!  I agree wholeheartedly with that.  I think going outside or somewhere, anywhere, besides your desk is good for the soul...which is good for the person...which is good for the job.  It just makes sense that recharging your battery for an hour in the middle of the day would be beneficial for everyone.

The premise behind all of this is that human beings are not machines.  We are not meant to function like machines.  We need more than fuel (money or power or prestige) to perform well.  We need the things that feed our spirit to maintain our happiness and our health.  Just like the finest German automobile needs more than gas.  If you run that thing out of oil or transmission fluid or radiator coolant, it doesn't matter that it has a full tank.  It ain't going anywhere for long.  And when you push it too hard, sometimes the damage can't be repaired.

This is what we do to ourselves when we stay late and come in early, skip our kids ballgames and postpone vacations.  The thing is, we WANT to be dedicated.  We WANT to love our jobs.  We just don't want our jobs to be ALL THERE IS.

Why do we allow ourselves to buy into that?  Why do we as employers perpetuate that thinking?  Why do we impose that on our people?  Who woke up one day and thought that it was a good idea?

Why do those of us who think it's time to stop all that nonsense feel like we have to skulk around in dark alleys peddling our ideas for a better life like crack dealers?

Life is good.  Work should be a way to express who we are...joyfully.

Take back your lunch, people.  Take back your ballgames and take back your vacations.  Take back your quiet evenings with the ones you love and take back your pride in your work.  Smile at your desk.  Answer the phone like you really DO want to talk with the person calling you.

If you can't do that, find somewhere that you can.

Kahlil Gibran wrote, "Work is love made visible." 

Do that.

Whistle while you work,

12/12/2010 08:22:12 am

All I want to say is...AMEN, SISTAH!!!

KL Pinson
1/9/2011 01:10:14 pm

I, myself, am a pineapple. But we all knew that already, right? ;-)

BTW...you still out there?

KL Pinson
1/9/2011 01:11:46 pm

Ack...feel free to delete my comment. It was meant for another thread. ;-) Good read here though!


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